Monday, December 21, 2009


Hi, I am Myron.

I and my friends are planing a trip to FAR. FAR is an acronym for "Five Arkansas Rocks." I and Larry, who lives in Arkansas, took this trip about two years ago. I came back enthused. The FAR are evidence that many people came to ancient Arkansas from many places.

Well, one of the rocks has a date of 1541 scratched on it. So I am considering anything backwards in time from 1542 to be ancient. During the trip to FAR, we will also see modern interesting rocks: the zinc mine and the tombstones of the melange people. We will also be looking for very ancient evidence of the Big Event of 13,000 years ago when most of life on North America perished. I thought I saw some of this evidence two years ago.

I am going to keep some of the directions and locations vague. At this time a trip to FAR is an event for only a few very interested people to enjoy. Twice, two years ago, I found myself on my muddy knees struggling to grasp the trunks of small trees as I crawled up hill to reach another of the FAR. A minor mob of mildly curious people doing the same thing would badly damage Arkansas woodlands. So do not try to go to FAR unless Larry guides you--with a very small group of very interested friends.

But I encourage you to follow along on this second trip to FAR.

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